Thursday, May 07, 2009

Heroes and Pilots: Vote Here

Our very own Sami Nerenberg is set to take off on her pilot eco-home makeover show, Room by Room! After Timberland has chosen her as an EarthKeeper Hero of 2009, this summer, 10 inner-city teens will compete in six weeks of eco-design bootcamp to be the best eco-designer and win their very own healthy home make-over!

Within the home one can find environmental burdens such as lead paint, mold, pests, and toxic cleaning products under the sink that can lead to things like learning disabilities, asthma, and even cancer. These burdens fall hardest on low-income often minority communities. It's her goal to share ways to make healthy, beautiful and affordable changes that we can all do during this time of uncertainty and rebuilding.

With the Majora Carter Group as her media consultant, Timberland as her publicity outlet, RISD and Brown University as her cohorts, this project is set to take off!  But she needs your help!

Vote for her idea on ideablob here so she can win $10,000 to pilot the show!!!

Brick by brick, block by block, Room by Room, together we can help to restore and redesign this nation!! Design for America!

My Idea

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